As we all know Covid 19 has completely decimated our entertainment industry. It’s very difficult to try and pick some positives at this very difficult time, but let’s try.

  1. It gives us a chance to get a well-deserved rest, many of us in this industry work long hours, our diet often isn’t the best and we don’t always have a normal sleeping pattern. Maybe now we can start addressing some of these issues and get ourselves into a healthier lifestyle. Maybe you have been waiting to get a medical procedure, but you have always been too busy? Now could be the time to address this
  1. Now is a good time to evaluate your act. Where does it need improvement, now is a good time to make those improvements? What about your equipment, sound system, Lighting, costumes etc. Do they need work or replacement? Again, Now you have the time to tweak all these.  Also look at your transport if you have a van or whatever form of transport you have, does it need a few jobs done with it? Now is your time.
  1. How is your Social Media? Are you on the right platforms, are you updating your social media regularly? Are you keeping in touch with your clients? You should be at least putting a message up once or twice a month reminding them you are still in business and you are ready to go once we get the green light. Don’t be shy to ask your friends and contacts for support in liking or sharing your posts. They know we are under pressure and they will help.
  1. What gigs can you get now? There are still some small events taking place at the moment like small weddings and family events. Can your act entertain at these events? Maybe you can tailor your act to suit small events. If so it may be worth focusing on this as we may be looking at smaller events for the foreseeable future. On your social media tell your client that your act is suitable and Covid friendly.
  1. Ensure that you are aware of all of the Covid regulations that must be adhered to in your territory. Do you need a facemask or visor when entertaining? What works best for you? Have you tested them? Maybe you need to invest in a headset microphone for underneath the visor? Or will a hand-held do? These are things that you need to sort now not when you arrive at a gig.
  1. Venues. If you do get a booking in this current climate you need to be in contact with the venue in plenty of time before the event. What do they expect out of you? Where can you set up? How long can you stay in the room? What do you need to bring with you in terms of equipment? A detailed discussion with the venue before any event is crucial, especially now.
  1. Covid Test. We recently spoke to a singer who is back Gigging again regularly, before his first gig back he went to his doctor and asked for a Covid test, to ensure he was Covid free at that stage. Maybe consider this.
  1. Don’t forget to keep your Wooppor profile updated, and please help spread the word. We are here to help acts, and remember gigs in your area will appear on Wooppor once we are all back working. We are delighted to say a number of entertainers have already picked up gigs through Wooppor.

If you are looking for entertainment for your next event, have a look to see what we can offer.

Stay Safe Everyone, and let’s hope we are all back on the stage very soon.